Breastfeeding & Postnatal FAQs
We see you. No explanations required. We feel privileged to share that vulnerable and raw space with you. We understand that there is no faster path to healing than knowing all feelings are safe to be felt and finding your own way through them.
Because every woman’s journey is unique.
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I seek support from a Lactation Consultant?
Anytime. You can seek lactation support even before birth for education and creating a postnatal plan.
Some common postnatal problems you might experience:
Difficult or painful latching
Low milk or too much milk supply
Infant weight loss (more than 10% loss from birth weight) or inadequate weight gain after two weeks post-birth
Fussiness or refusal of the breast
Breast or nipple pain and/or infections
Babies with special feeding needs such as premature infants; twins and multiples; infants with medical issues that make latching and sucking difficult; or newborns with hyperbilirubinemia
Preparing to go back to work or studies
Weaning and formula use
General breastfeeding education, support and follow-ups
Remember that it’s OK if you feel stressed. Knowledge is powerful and it’s never too late to seek support.
What if I need a prescription - should I see my doctor?
Depending on what is going on for you, prescriptions within the midwifery scope of practice can be made for you antenatally and within the first six weeks postnatally. This includes antibiotics for mastitis, treatment for breast and nipple thrush, and much more.
Full Circle will collaborate and communicate with your GP or referring doctor as required.
What is an IBCLC?
IBCLC stands for International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and is someone who has been specifically trained to provide the highest standards in lactation and breastfeeding care worldwide.
This includes breast anatomy and physiology, infant feeding development, infant oral anatomy, and complex lactation issues.
How do I know if my baby is getting enough breastmilk?
Every mother and every baby is different, so there are many variables that influence each mother-baby dyad.
However, here are some reassuring signs that your baby is getting enough breastmilk:
Baby is waking up themselves for breastfeeds and settles well after a breastfeed.
You can hear swallowing (sustained rhythmic suck-swallows with occasional pauses) when baby is breastfeeding.
Mum feels a strong tugging, which is not persistently painful when baby is breastfeeding, and her breasts feel softer after a breastfeed.
Your baby is doing at least 6 wee’s and around 3 stools (approx. 50c piece size or larger) per day.
If you have any concerns, at any stage, we can discuss these at your consultation.
Are lactation consultants expensive?
At Full Circle (due to holding Private Midwife endorsement), we have the benefit of offering Medicare rebates to all Medicare eligible families both antenatally, and in the first six weeks postnatally.
We highly encourage you to seek support as early as possible and for some, this may include a consultation or education class even before your baby arrives.
Learn more about our lactation consultant fees.
Should I bring my partner to my consultation?
Absolutely, breastfeeding and the postnatal period is a team effort and partners play an essential role. Research has told us that a partner’s support is the biggest factor influencing her breastfeeding success.
Bring your partner and other children too - Full Circle is a family-friendly practice and all are welcome.
What if I’m not sure if I want to breastfeed - is that okay?
This is your journey. We are here only to support and guide you, as you navigate the hurdles of new parenthood. At Full Circle, we come with no agenda or expectations, simply compassionate and informed care.
You do not have to plan to breastfeed or be breastfeeding in order to seek support at Full Circle.
Breastfeeding is a two person relationship and we are listening to both the mother and the baby.
Is the Full Circle clinic COVID-safe?
Midwifery and Lactation consultancy services are considered essential. Throughout COVID-19 restrictions, Full Circle has continued to offer face-to-face consultations either in the clinic or in your home. For those attending a face-to-face consultation, please be aware of the following precautions in place, to help ensure the safety of all the Full Circle families supported:
Routine environment cleaning and disinfectant is conducted after each consultation, as recommended by Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of infection in Healthcare.
Surface disinfectant spray is used on soft furnishings after every consultation.
Hand sanitiser, face masks and gloves are available in the home clinic, and are used as necessary.
If you are feeling unwell or experiencing any cold or flu symptoms, please let us know so that we have the opportunity to offer remote support options.
Is a lactation consultant covered by Medicare?
Yes, at Full Circle we hold Private Midwife endorsement and we have the benefit of offering Medicare rebates to all Medicare-eligible families both antenatally, and in the first six weeks postnatally. Learn more about our referrals and rebates.