Referrals & Rebates

We collaborate with you…

Full Circle Midwifery & Lactation Support works collaboratively with obstetricians, GPs and Peadiatricians to provide women with complementary midwifery and lactation care both antenatally and up to 6 weeks postpartum.

We also collaborate with many other midwives and IBCLCs. However, unfortunately, referrals are only accepted by Medicare if they are from a doctor. 

We are doing all we can to advocate for Medicare rebates aligned to IBCLCs, as women and families need this service and the affordability of it makes a huge difference.

Watch this space.

Note to Medical Professionals

For your patients to receive Medicare rebates for all antenatal, postnatal-lactation support and education through Full Circle Midwifery & Lactation Support, please fill in the form (link below) and email or post it to us, otherwise please provide it to the patient.